Wednesday, March 12, 2025  

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Back Issues of the Crimson & White Connection

The C&WC is printed about every 3 weeks on average, 18 times a year is our target. (We don't always hit 18, but we try to.)

These are most of the back issues, only going back to part of 2004; the C&WC started publishing in the Summer of 1998.

If you're looking for a particular article or to see the variety of types of things we write about, look at the descriptions/titles of teh articles for each issue. That's what this archieve is for. Or maybe you need a resource for yourself, or for someone else. Click on the link at the beginning of each issue's description to open the Acrobat file. Then you can download or print it.

Subscribe and we'll send the latest issue and add you to the database for the next issue. These are for the purpose of "sampling" not regular reading. We want to put the C&WC in your mail box.
We have recently concieted to delivery by email. We do it for those that are out-of-the-country, so why not others. If email is what you want, that's how we'll send it.

Don't miss the witness postcards, too.

Want to get on our mailing list? ... You'll need to download and print an issue or at least print the subscription form on page 7 in any issue. Fill it out and MAIL it in. Print so we can read it, please. (I have taught school for many years and some people's handwriting, well, you get the idea. Print clearly, please.) Or, you can email us ALL the same information that is requested on the form in every issue.

These are in Adobe Acrobat pdf format. You need Acrobat Reader or Acrobat. You can download Acrobat Reader FREE from You can open and read them on-line, or you can open and print, or download and print them.

Archive of recent back issues... for reference... and if you want to read a couple samples... and so we can refer people to here and they can see what we publish and decide to subscribe or maybe even distribute the C&WC at their church.
* * * This is only supposed to be an archive. We want you to get the C&WC in your mailbox.
* * * It seems we're always working on getting caught up on uploading. Please be patient. * * *
- - The most current issues of the C&WC are not available online. We want to put mail in a student's mail box, not have them come and get it online. We will deliver by e-mail to those who prefer that. (If you are outside the U.S., then we will require email delivery due to cost and dependability. Some of the Acrobat files are large, so they may take a little time to download.) Issues are usually not uploaded to this web site for at least months after the issue date.
- - Some of '04, most of '05, then '06, '07, '08, '09 are here. (Whew; just finished all of 2009 in Dec 2013.) Issues from '10 and later will get posted as I get time to get back to this. 

A book... Let me add the book I assembled about a student I had to this "downloads page." I mentioned it on the home page. - - Rather than have to update links in 3 places (Home, Back Issues, and Downloads) as I revise the book, I'll just refer you back to the Home page for the link to the latest version of the book to download.
* * * * * * Book added to the site Dec 2013. ...Of interest to you, maybe, is a book I've almost finished. I decided to upload a pdf file version of the latest draft to this site. - - The book is the result of conversations with someone during the last couple months of their life.  -  Her, our, story started 10 years earlier when she walked into my Statistics class at Elon University. She got on our mailing list for the Crimson & White Connection. We had many lunch meetings where we would talk about relationships, spiritual things, and death. She got hooked into alcohol and drugs. Years past with periodic connections. She would often write "Don't give up on me." And I often wrote/emailed to her "God loves you and so do I. I promised you that I would pray for you every day." That last sentence shortened to "pfyed." Then she called one day and said, "I want what you have." Many conversations later, she professed her belief in Jesus for her eternity. Less than 3 months later, after 5 days unconscious on a ventilator, she stopped breathing and her heart stopped for the last time. She had said in those last couple months, "I could be the 'poster child' for what not to do in college. - Don't do alcohol. Don't do drugs." Melanie Manley died 10 days after her 29th birthday on March 11, 2013. This book is (a) to her memory, (b) the story of her life, and (c) as a warning to others (her wish), and (d) the story of how one of my students went from a stranger to God, to drugs and alcohol, and finally came to a saving relationship with God for Eternity. - - You can pull up the file, read it, download it, print it, even pass it on (unedited), either printed or the pdf file, with my permission.  - -  Rather than have to update links in 3 places (Home, Back Issues, and "Download), I'll just refer you back to the Home page for the link to the latest version of the book to download.

When I get time to work on it again, I'll archive 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. But you can see a good sampling of the KIND of stuff that's in the C&WC in these back issues.

Dec 20, 09 - Christmas. v12n14 - Christmas. Hanukah. A Techinal Night Before Christmas. Why Women Would Love Being Santa Claus. After Christmas (other traditions).
Nov 20, 09 - Thanksgiving + Hot Potato #2. v12n13 - [Don't know why, the pdf file has page 8 first then 7... and p.1 at the bottom.] Thanksgiving + Hot potato #2 (Alcohol on college campuses). Teyana Taylor admits she's a virgin. Thanksgiving history. Story of Squanto. What are you trading? 
Oct 20, 09 - Back to class/school/thinking, etc.. v12n12 - Hot potato (One way, God's way). When a Dog Says Moo (opposed to promoting gay rights by Chuck Colson). Loud Music (fotf). Finding the way. Two to nothing (a secret sufferer of abortion).
 Sep 26, 09 - God is my co-pilot. v12n11 - God is my co-pilot. Forgiven forever. Riding tandem. God's undeserved favor. Relentless love.  
Aug 26, 09 - Back to class/school/thinking, etc.. v12n10 - Some thoughts and resources about starting the "year" (even though it is Fall) - The Professor and the C halk - Top 10 Devotionals (recommendations from, and Rich) - What Will You Do (#3 from a series of the daily emailed devotional thoughts.)
July 16, 09 - Shine!. v12n09 - The opening article I wrote. Following that is a book review with extensive quotations from the book, Shine, by the Newsboys (contemporary Christian singing group) along with my commentary. I highly recommend this book.
July 9, 09 - Feeling a little down? Want God to do something?. v12n08 - Waiting on God.- A basic prayer when you are desperate - Special Sauce - Father
June 3, 09 - 300,000 (If I gave a graduation speech). v12n07 - Graduation speeches, and what I might say.- Julie and Michael are making a difference - Julie Malacuski : National PA Humanitarian of the Year Award - Julie's Dream Project - Julie's News From The Battlefield (May 10, 09)
May 10, 09 - Weight Off, Battle On. v12n06 - This is about weights that are spiritual. we shed them, and then we will be going into spiritual battle - An online resource from Dr Elton Glen - Relationships, love, and... Who are YOU? - Book: If Men Are Like Busses Then How Do I Catch One? - "Sunrise Service" by Pamela Perry Blaine
Apr 1, 09 - Easter. v12n05 - Easter... and just exactly what do some of the words mean that we use in church, particularly around Easter. - The Secret to Life (and links to a video of a skit around Lifehouse's "Everything") - The Borrowed Tomb - try to retrieve this issue from the link at the left... Working on this one.....Just did a copy & paste to set the format up for when I DO get it written and posted......Some Valentine history - How to Have a Glorious New Year - Relationships, love, and ... Compatibility - Book: How To Know If A Relationship Is Worth Pursuing In Two Dates Or Less (2nd edition is titled "Date Or Soul Mate?)
Mar 01, 09 - Words. v12n04 - This issue might make you think. One article just might make you think "This guy is a little strange.' - An "educational issue" ... Words... As the choir is practicing and learning the musc for the Easter concert, I was thinking, 'There are all these "church/Bible words" that I'd bet many people don't know what they actually mean.' In looking them up, to be sure *I* knew what they meant, I learned some things. - And www addresses for several videos of performances of "dramas" performed to "Everything" by Lifehouse. - "Wierdness me" is an example of my twisted thinking. 'Do you suppose animans and inanimate things like rocks and wind and lakes and oceans can hear and can talk?' 
Feb 10, 09 - Valentine Issue. v12n03 - Is it LOVE? How far is too far? (The January 15th issue prompted a college student to write to me prompting the content of this issue.) - 150 Ways to Make Love (without  "Doing It") - a few suggested good reads on relationships
Feb 01, 09 - My In/Out Box. v12n02 - This issue is mostly a collection of e-mail from my "in-box" and the "out-box." Included are a couple daily e-devotionals. There are sample computer screen wallpapers, and the address, of inspirational free wallpapers for your monitor.
Jan 15, 09 - SEX - New Year. v12n01 - SEX (or rather "why not sex") - New Year... Calendars... Moving through Eternity - Feeling alone?

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Dec 15, 08 - Christmas Issue. v11n10 (it's a BIG file, 2.6MB, because of all the photos and graphics) - Where will you Worship for Christmas - "Christmas, Free behind bars" Douglas Dymmel - Twas the night before Finals - The Oldest Profession - ...male reindeer... - Christmas Carols for the Psychiatricaly Challenged -   - A Christmas Parable - A personal note from Rich & Marie - Origin of the Twelve Days of Christmas - Do you know what Hanukah celebrates? - After Christmas... 
Nov 18, 08 - Apologetics. v11n09 - Apologetics - From my notebook - Relationships, love, and ... HAS character, or IS a character?- Party Fatal - Math Evolution :-) 
Sep 27, 08 - Over my shoulder 2. v11n08 - Over my shoulder 2 - The difference between girls and girls... "I am not a 'nice Christian girl.' " from - Build solid -  - Bumper Stickers
Sep 10, 08 - Over My Shoulder - v11n07 -Over My Shoulder - Really? - Here's a real WOW story: Teens raise baby from dead! - Right Tool For The Job
July 3, 08 - Freedom. - v11n06 - It was for FREEDOM we were freed - Illogical God - Rules, schmules. So what? - POEMS from PRISON: Today I went into a Prison; Testimony of a Once Lost Soul;  Moses talks to God,  love, and ... The Gold Locket - Books: When God Writes Your Love Story, and What To Do Until Love Finds You
June 16, 08 - Foundations. v11n05 - Foundations - Rebel without a clue - Little girl in the park - Relationships, love, and ... Can You Get Too Much Of A Good Thing? - Here's The Deal
May 19, 08 - Hallmark, Thirsty Camels & Prince Charming. v11n04 - Hallmark - The Comfort Zone - In A Place You Don't Belong - Relationships, love, and ... Thirsty Camels and Prince Charming - Book review: When God Writes Your Love Story - Compatibility
April 9,  08 - What About a Change?. v11n03 - Most Important Question - An Absence of Meaning, An Empty Heart - Searching for Meaning and Purpose - "Sex Lies" - Cohabitation — Not All It's Cracked Up to Be - Cohabiting can make marriage an iffy proposition. Even married, men may still feel less committed
March 13, 08 - Can I make You Think in This Issue?. v11n02 - Big Mysteries, Tiny Organisms -  The sky is falling! - Learn to do it
Feb 09, 08 - Valentine Issue. v11n01 - Some Valentine history - How to Have a Glorious New Year - Relationships, love, and ... The Gold Locket - Books: When God Writes Your Love Story, and What To Do Until Love Finds You

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

December 7, 07 - Christmas. - A Christmas Poem  - A personal note from Rich & Marie - The Tale of the Christmas Tree - The Creation of Candy Canes - Christmas Symbols ... - Santa Claus 2 - A Christmas parable - REMEMBER THIS AT CHRISTMAS TIME - Christmas Carols for the Psychiatrically Challenged - Becoming a Christian: A-B-C's
November 23, 07 - Outttakes. - There is no right decision - Return, Go back, Rest - Ecclesiastical Cardiology - Appreciate by Contrast - Dear Marie, on purity on TV
September 30, 07 - Being a Work in Progress. - Fire - Urgent!?!? - TRUTH sings: - Faith Attack... - Random signs, billboards, bumper stickers, quotes, clips, & quips - Rules, Limits, Safety, and Guidance protect and preserve
August 30, 07 - Is Your God In a Box. -  Heroes Wanted - Tapping into God's Power - Back to School Blues - Elohim - Back to School - Relationships - Testimony of a Once Lost Soul - "The Story of Encouragement"
July 14, 07 - Lone Goose. -  "Your Worship Is Too Small" - Some math in the Bible... - Charlie - Grace
July 4, 07 - It Was For Freedom We Were Freed. -"Don't Tell Me How to Live!" - Injustice - Classic 1957 Car Unearthed in Oklahoma Plymouth Belvedere Buried 50 Years Ago
June 7, 07 - Pirates. - Miracles of New Life - Muslims, oragami ministry, and high speed internet - Relationship Principles - Memories - Fraternities, Sororities & Christianity

May 17, 07 - School grades ... and Lessons - Almost an A. - Are you a sweetheart? - Blessed to Be a Blessing - Julie's News From the Battlefield "The plan is progress ...not perfection." - Character lesson from real life
Apr 14, 07 - Words, Words, Words. - Things Aren't Always What They Seem (1)A Thankful HeartMore Words - "Have You Hooked Up Lately?"
 Mar 12, 07 - I'm Not Good Enough. - "The Evidence" - Cameroon in West Africa - Nothing Else I Need seeing 20/20 - "As Long as You Love Me." -"I will lose my dignity and integrity in order to have my fantasy"
  Feb 14, 07 - Hallmark. - "It's been a disturbing week" - Hallmark, lots of letters, Krista & Eli leave for and arrive in Cameroon, Relationships, Love, and ... Thirsty Camels and Prince Charming The Right Kind of Romance (Gen 24, 26), When God Writes Your Love Story, In a Place You Don't Belong, Compatibility
 Jan 10, 07 - Choices
. Choices (mowing the grass in January, the result of...), Merry Christmas from Julie in Mozambique,
HAS character, or IS a character? (This also has a short list of really good books on dating and relationships), God's loving promise, Who needs church? (This file is just over 1MB)

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

 Dec 10, 06 - Christmas. (Sorry it's such a big file, 2MB, if you're going to open or download it. Some day when I have the time I will resize the resolution of the photos to reduce the file size.) Jesus Is Better Than Santa, A letter to Santa, What's In A Name, Mary Did You Know, God In The Flesh, Candy Canes Remind Me Of The Real Christmas, Ona personal note, The politically correct twelve days of Christmas, The origin of the 12 days of Christmas. 
 Nov 16, 06 - Thanksgiving. (pdf file or also click here for a Word file)  "Things to be thankful for (every day, not JUST on Thanksgiving) - This is a postcard that can be a useful handout/witness tool/tract, especially this time of the year.
 Oct 29, 06 - Anemic Christianity. "Anemic Christianity," "Hope For Today" Jennifer's last report from SP in Afghanistan, "Changed by His Love" (Opps, I repeated this from the last issue), Walking With Purpose, Why Was I Here Today?, Ugly, ** Find Christian Music & more on the web and on the radio**
 Oct 11, 06 - Forces.  -(The pdf file is HUGE, 1.9MB, and I need to edit the resolution of the pictures to shrink it to a reasonable size or you'll be an hour downloading it. Sorry.) "A Balance of Forces," Faith, Questions and Prises, Debris 2, Rain, Changed by His Love, Break the Laws. 
 Sep 2, 06 - Hope you have a happy, successful school year. This is a postcard we sent out just to say "Hi" and etc at the start of the school year. It is a MSWord document to make it easy for the churches and groups that get "master copies" electronically and download them and print to send to students can easily edit the return address before printing it. Most of our files to download have to be Acrobat PDF files to (1) preserve the fonts, graphics, etc., and (2) reduce the file size a bit. This also is available on our downloadable witness tools page. It's a small file because it is only one page to print, flip, print the back, and cut into 4 postcards.
 Aug 24, 06 - Listening. This issue has four devotional pieces on "listening" to God speaking plus another report from Jennifer in Afghanisten, "More of the journey..."
 Jul 29, 06 - What Are You Good For? Fruit; Debris (in our lives); Red, hot, boiling lava; What's in you "mail"?; Jennifer's Greetings from Afghanistan.
 Jul 8, 06 - What About A Change? The Christian life should be recognizably different. Freedom To Make Choices; Change Your Thinking; The Plan is Progress... Not Perfection; Pearls (What are you hanging on to? Does God want you to exchange it for something better?) [You'll like this one to download, it is small, only 114k.]
 Jun 8, 06 - Battle For The Mind. Jennefer finds a job in Afghanistan, "... Living Sacrifice" poster.
 Apr 10, 06
Denial ... or Jesus Freak... or... Have you ever dreded being identified as a Jesus freak? Be proud if someone calls you a "Jesus freak." Say "Thank you. I'm so glad it shows.";  The Fellowship of the Unashamed;
Words; From Sea to Sea; Indescribable (Angela Calhoun); Easter cartoons.

 Mar 18, 06Shine. Let your light ...; Bothwell: ... Trust, EZ Pass, The Banquet Table in Heaven is Round; From Jordana's blog: quirkyalone, ..., ....
 Feb 10, 06Those ol' love questions... What if... will I be good enough? - Redneck ode to his Valentine; Roger Bothwell: ..., ..., Of Muscle Cars and Scripture; How God sees you.
 Jan 16, 06The One-Question-Exam - This Year I Will. (Pastor Keith); I Don't Need This Any More (Roger Bothwell); Knowing The Truth - In What or WHO do you trust?; Geese (R. Innes); NASCAR (RRD). 

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

 Dec 10, 05
Christmas - gifts, giving, the real gift in Christmas; 5 year old Lauren raises over $300 to buy bikes and toys for angel-tree-children (yes, 5 years old); Santa fun - the 'scientific' evidence for and against the existance of Santa. (I appoligize for the file being so large, 2.6 MB, but being Christmas I had to include a few photos. Even though I downsized the scans, it's just big.)
 Nov 5, 05LOVE? Love and Intimacy and Sex - Love and Sex as described by the CDC report on teenagers in USA Today articles. "Subversive Virginity" is a published article by a 22 year old (reprinted with permission).
 Sept 30, 05Growing; Update from Jordana in Sweden; "What if?" thoughts from Angela in Hawaii; Sp York writes from Iraq; Einstine defines 'evil.'
 Aug 31, 05 - Ready Or Not - Cool ways to share your faith on campus (or at work); The Fall "sex lecture"
 Aug 10, 05 - Counter-culture; Teaching pre-school;

July 15, 05 - Which is the Right Road; Pack Your Bags (choice); A Deathless Seal; I'm Back (Angela in Hawaii); Apologetics; I Don't Need This Anymore, The Red Toyota, No Carry-on (Bothwell)

July 8, 05 - Free to Dance What If I Stumble; Theology of Faith; Gratitude; Update from Jordana (Sweden)Be Careful Who You Trust (Bothwell)
June 22, 05 - God doesn't want to be "first" with you; The flying cookie incident; Being a Christian does NOT mean being old! Life to the Fullest; The Lion and the Stream; Proud to Be Modest
Jun 8, 05 - The Future; Julie's report from Brazil; Words (lots of fun with words); Sex in the Body of Christ
Apr 26, 05 - Summer Cometh, A New Life, Lindsey -> Romania
A few of MY favorite older back issues ...
Mar 26, 05 - A Return; Has Character or IS a Character; Sunk in a Sinkhole; Sodom (via cartoons)

Feb 12, 05 - Jan 21 was "Hugging Day" A "Good Man" (or Gal, too); 150 Ways to Make Love (Without "Doing It"); Top 10 Excuses to Stop Attending Sporting Events

Nov 28, 04 - What's Your Purpose; Let No one Deke You; ... Polar Express; ...Kids: The Real Reason They Came to America
Oct 30, 04 - Indescribable; The Kid Who Would Not Quit; The Sex Lives of Christian Teens (from Christianity Today)
 Aug 18, 04 - Ready? (No Fear); Cool Ways To Share Your Faith On Campus, at Work, ...; Liz reports from So.Africa
July 23, 04 - A Collage (of notes and ideas); Push Ups; A Second Chance at Virginity;
July 9, 04 - Freedom of Choice; Declaring Independence; God Does Want You
 June 3, 02
- _________; Relationships, Love, and ... Thirsty Camels and Prince Charming- The Right Kind of Romance (Genesis 24 and 26), ....

Crimson & White Ministires
4401 Wild Oak Lane
Greensboro, NC 27406
(336) 674-7564

All content ?Crimson & White Ministries 2006


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