Tuesday, October 22, 2024  

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Crimson & White Connection
A ministry of encouragement through the mail.
Targeted at students, High School and college, but read by all ages.


                    Rich and two students talk on campus                                               Rich and his wife, Marie

Dr. Richard Dymmel, Ed.D., is the Editor and Publisher of the Crimson & White Connection


* * * * Keeping this "up to date" is not a priority. I see today (1/28/14) that I haven't up-loaded back issues of the Crimson & White for some time. I DID upload now, all the way through 2009. - But THIS is NOT where we want people to come to GET the C&WC. This site is a resource where people can find a "sampling" of what the C&WC is. 


While this started with the intent of being a "college age student ministry," it soon expanded both down to 14 year olds and up to their parents and grandparents, so ages 14 to literally a 100 year old reader. (Oct 2019, I think the oldest reader, and financial supporter is 93.)Around 2010 one prison inmate started getting the C&WC. He got a job managing the chapel office and the C&WC got on the literature table. It got picked up and subscribed to. Inmates got transferred and the C&WC shared and it started spreading. 2017 - 150 copies are mailed to individuals in prisons in 17 states and 150 copies are mailed to Chaplains in 20 prisons/jails.

We do NOT find people to send the C&WC to, they find us. We ONLY mail copies to people when THEY have REQUESTED to be added to our mailing list.

YOU can be a part of encouraging people and even getting people started on their Christian "walk" by supporting this ministry. From the original 37 North Carolina college students in 1997 to now reaching just over 1,000 (probably back down to 40+/- students since I'm retired from much contact with "students") to now just over 1,000 folks scattered across 18 time zones, from Sweden, Mozambique, Brazil, to Australia, to name a few places, but still mostly in the U.S.

Locate an inmate  - - -  A helpful website for finding inmate's addresses when they get moved and the mail is returned (1- they usually don't write to tell me, and 2- the mail doesn't always get returned from the prison mail room) is ..... www.theinmatelocator.com. These folks do a great service of making it easy to get to federal and state prison inmate databases with rules for addresses and what and how to contact inmates, etc.

A book... Let me add the book I assembled about a student I had to this "downloads page." I mentioned it on the home page. - - Rather than have to update links in 3 places (Home, Back Issues, and Downloads) as I revise the book, I'll just refer you back to the Home page for the link to the latest version of the book to download.
* * * * * * Book added to the site Dec 2013. ...Of interest to you, maybe, is a book I've almost finished. I decided to upload a pdf file version of the latest draft to this site. - - The book is the result of conversations with someone during the last couple months of their life.  -  Her, our, story started 10 years earlier when she walked into my Statistics class at Elon University. She got on our mailing list for the Crimson & White Connection. We had many lunch meetings where we would talk about relationships, spiritual things, and death. She got hooked into alcohol and drugs. Years past with periodic connections. She would often write "Don't give up on me." And I often wrote/emailed to her "God loves you and so do I. I promised you that I would pray for you every day." That last sentence shortened to "pfyed." Then she called one day and said, "I want what you have." Many conversations later, she professed her belief in Jesus for her eternity. Less than 3 months later, after 5 days unconscious on a ventilator, she stopped breathing and her heart stopped for the last time. She had said in those last couple months, "I could be the 'poster child' for what not to do in college. - Don't do alcohol. Don't do drugs." Melanie Manley died 10 days after her 29th birthday on March 11, 2013. This book is (a) to her memory, (b) the story of her life, and (c) as a warning to others (her wish), and (d) the story of how one of my students went from a stranger to God, to drugs and alcohol, and finally came to a saving relationship with God for Eternity. - - You can pull up the file, read it, download it, print it, even pass it on (unedited), either printed or the pdf file, with my permission.  - -  
    Added 9/30/2019 on the "Articles" page  - I love when "science" verifies the Bible.   An article on AOL's Welcome/News page had " Experts Made A Miraculous Discovery At Mount Zion That Proves A Biblical Story Really Took Place - The pictures made this file so huge that I had to break it into 4 parts to upload it. My original Word doc was 40 pages... Don't worry, each page has a big picture and only one paragraph of text.  The Bible parts that are verified are 2 Kings 25:2-4  and Jeremiah 52: 5-7  and are cited near the end of "part 2." (The siege of Jerusalem by Babylon.)  

* * * * * * * * I DID edit and update the downloadable Valentine's Day cards. I think they are clever and cute. There are 2 in pdf format. You can download, print, flip the cardstock over and print again. Then cut into 4 postcards to mail or hand out. My "line" is, "Have you gotten any Valentine's Day cards yet? ... No? Oh, good, then I get to be first. Happly Valentine's Day." Or, "Yes? Oh, darn, I wanted to be first. Can I give you a Valentine's Day card?" Or after Valentine's Day, "Did you get too many Valentine's Day cards? ... No. Oh, good. Then I can still give you one, even if it's late?"

* * * Hey, a couple new things added under "Articles of Interest"
              3/6/07   added a piece on the latest anti-Jesus movie, "The Lost Tomb of Jesus," being aired on the Discovery Channel. Read what experts say so you can, like Paul says, "Be ready to give an answer for your faith."  Dare2Share spells out how to use it as a witness tool to start a conversation in their article.
              3/6/07 - ran across an article about a new book just published, Disconnect On Hooking Up, by a researcher/writer for the New York Times, not a "Christian writer," that appears to compliment other articles saying that many in the "hook up generation" are damaging their future relationships. That was an interesting part of the psychologists statements in the USA Today article a couple months ago about student sexuality. - See? The God and the "rules" in the Bible have your best interest in mind. "God's rules don't restrict me, they protect me from consequences."
* * * Under "Articles of Interest" are a couple things I thought interesting... Like Alice Cooper and his Christian connection. And links to a couple commentaries and articles on MUSIC in the CHURCH!!!  AAAAHHHHH! NO! Not something as controversial as MUSIC!
* * * Under "Downloads," a collection of commentaries and articles about "The Da Vinci Code" movie, available in both Word and Acrobat formats. - Have you noticed that a lot of the comotion over that movie has died down? Have you noticed a few smaller attempts to stir those sort of issues? It hasn't all just gone away. The Bible and Christianity will constantly be under attack. We are to be ready to give an account for why and what we believe. 1 Peter 3:15b NIV: "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."

    This page, below, has "who we are and what we do"
    "What We Do" and "What We Believe" buttons give you more details.
    Everything we send out, whether to individuals, whether a "student" or a "post-college-age" adult, and a percentage of our list is over 30 (some are WAY over 30 and that's okay, too), or to a church or youth group, or for a business to place in it's customer waiting area, it is all FREE. We ask you to "subscribe," but it's FREE. Our expenses are covered by our "Partners" who join with us, partner with us, to provide this ministry resource. If you would like to partner with us and help with expenses so can reach out farther, click on the "Partner" button for more information. Donations are tax deductable as C&WM is a 501c3 entity charity under the IRS code.
    "Back Issues" is our growing collection of back issues of the Crimson & White Connection mailed letters that can be downloaded. There is a listing of the articles that are in each issue. This is usually not "current." It's an archive for those who want a sample to see what we write, or if you think, "I remember Rich writing about that a while ago. Where was that?"
    "Daily Devotionals" has an archive of the past daily devotionals we email out. (The archive is not up to date. We're still writing and sending though.) To try the daily email-devotionals, send an email to RDymmel@AOL.com and say "Try the daily devotionals, please." We'll put you in the "trial" group in the address book and send it for about 10 to 14 days, or however long till I get around to thinking of checking up on you. If I haven't already heard from you saying either "Continue" or "Stop," I'll contact you and ask if you want to keep getting it. 
    "Downloads" has a number of downloadable things - here are downloadable "Witnessing Cards," postcard size printable witness tools and the collection of articles on "The Da Vinci Code" 
    "How To Subscribe" tells you how to get on our FREE mailing list
    "Tool For Your Group" gives youth leaders and pastors, etc., a some suggestions on maybe using the C&WC with their students or youth or college age groups.
    "Contact Us" - self explanitory
    "Links To Resources" has links to several other internet resources, like finding a Christian radio station in your area to listen on the radio and many stations do streaming online. radio stations have all kinds of formats from "alternative Christian rock" like on WBFJ on Friday night from 10 to 12 and Saturday night from 10-11; "contemporary Christian" like WBFJ and KLOVE, and "talk" like WTRU, and "traditional" like BBN. You can follow specific programs, like I enjoy Ravi Zacharias who speaks on many college campuses (he's on BBN) and 'Adventures in Odyssey' has great stories and is on a number of stations.

Welcome to Crimson & White Ministries. Our mission is to encourage living the Christian lifestyle. Christianity is not about "religion," "church," "rules," and "thou shalt not," it is about having a relationship with God through Jesus. Jesus said "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." (Mark 12:30-31, KJV, also Matthew 22:37). And if we love God, we'd want to do what would please Him. That's the basis of any love relationship. The "Christian life" is proactive - Jesus stated "the rules" in the form of "you shall," not "you shall not."


What we do:

            (1) Send mail encouraging growth in the Christian life (it's FREE), about 18 times a year. (Students especially like getting any mail that is not another sale flyer from the campus book store.) Our target is high school and college students, but over 20% of our mailing list is post-college, even post-50, even retired. The principles of faith and the Christian life are age-less. The older readers seem to especially enjoy the letters and pieces written by students about their lives and mission trips.

            (2) Provide a resource for individuals, groups, or a church to use this tool to encourage others. We call it the "We create it, you just make copies and mail it" plan. (Click on the "Tool For Your Group" button on the left for more about that.)

            (3) Send an (almost) daily e-devotional, usually selected from several that we have permission to copy and then add an additional personal comment.
            (4) Are available for one-on-one conversation and prayer.

Want to get on our mailing list? ... For the Crimson & White Connection letters, you'll need to download and print an issue or at least print the subscription form on page 7 in any issue. Fill it out and MAIL it in. Print so we can read it, please. (I have taught school for many years and some people's handwriting, well, you get the idea. Print clearly, please.) Or, you can email us ALL the same information that is requested on the form in every issue to RDymmel@AOL.com. The biggest problem we have is people moving and not telling us. Please keep your address current with us so we aren't charged for return postage. Over 18? On the "How to Subscribe" page you can copy-and-paste the "form" into an email and fill in the blanks and email it to us if you prefer.

Crimson & White Ministires
4401 Wild Oak Lane
Greensboro, NC 27406
(336) 674-7564

All content ?Crimson & White Ministries 2006


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